- Chiropractic Manipulations Chiropractic adjustment is a procedure in which trained specialists (chiropractors) use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. The goal of this procedure, also known as spinal manipulation, is to improve spinal motion and improve your body's physical function. - MAYO CLINIC
- Myofascial Therapy Myofascial release is a therapy focused on pain that comes from myofascial tissues — the tough coverings that wrap, connect and support muscles. The massage and stretching used in myofascial release therapy can help loosen muscles and joints. - MAYO CLINIC
- Percussion Therapy “Think of it like a mini hammer, repeatedly impacting the soft tissue and causing blood flow to increase in that area,” Dr. Calabrese says. “The gentle pressure can decrease any tight muscle tissue or soften scar-like tissue, called adhesions. This helps to elongate the muscle fibers.” Recap: Increase blood flow. Relieve muscle tightness. Provide stress relief. Improve post-exercise soreness. - CLEVELAND CLINIC
- Body Tempering Body tempering is a form of soft tissue mobilization developed by Donnie Thompson in 2014. Body tempering is performed by placing heavily weighted cylinders across muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. As a result, this can help prepare the muscle for activity and improve muscle recovery. - CARY OTHOPEADICS
- Hammer and Chisel Therapy Hammer and chisel therapy is used to improve tissue pliability and improve joint motion. The impulse generated by the hammer striking the chisel is directed to a region of the body dealing with joint fixation, scar tissue, bands of tightness or adhesion. - VARIED SOURCING
- Cupping Cupping therapy is indicated for both healthy patients and those suffering from ailments. Localized ailments that benefit from cupping therapy include headache, low back pain, neck pain, and knee pain. Systemic illnesses that have seen benefits with cupping therapy include hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, psychiatric disorders, systemic infection, and skin disorder. - NATIONAL INSTITUE OF HEALTH
- Y-strap Y-strap is a decompression tool used to stretch the back to release pressure from the vertebrae along the spine from top to bottom. It is inspired by manual spine traction techniques in the Y-Axis to help reduce the tension in the vertebrae along the spine. - Y-Stap.com